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Centre of Light

Orion on Centre of Light June Satsang 2019 | Volume 47 #2 | New Era 76

As we embark on the next phase of manifesting Centre of Light here at Bhrugu Aranya, the power and Grace that are manifesting at the same time become more apparent. We are humbled by the opportunity, the blessing to serve many people whose lives are in need of the transformative energies of the healing fires. As we move in this world, we are stunned by the sheer magnitude of suffering and yearning in ordinary people we meet. Everywhere. Our fervent wish is to provide a place of refuge and sanctuary where people can come and receive the healing energies that are so strong here at Bhrugu Aranya, and to learn ways to cope with the world, through the power of Fire, Love and this phenomenal path of Grace.

Update on Centre of Light May Satsang 2019 | Volume 47 #1 | New Era 76

Centre of Light in Jordanow, Poland, is a guided project, dedicated to educate, inspire and assist in healing the planet. These are trying times that call out for solutions. Our goal is to provide ancient solutions for our contemporary world. The Centre of Light will be a safe haven and a beacon of Light for many.

Funds Needed to Winterize Centre of Light! November/December 2018 Satsang | Volume 46 #5 | New Era 75

Hello all! We are going into winter season now. We had our first light snow yesterday. The winterizing of Centre of Light begins next week. We still need and deeply appreciate your donations toward that goal.

In the U.S. at this time, your donation, if made before December 31, 2018, entitles you to a full deduction on your 2018 U.S. tax return. So, you can help Centre of Light and, at the same time, reduce your income tax burden.

A Miracle in the Making!

Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya Community Centre of Light under construction, summer 2018. Three years ago, the Centre of Light was just an idea, …