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Agnihotra pyramids

Agnihotra Pyramids-the Scientific Meaning March/April 2024 Satsang | Volume 51 #7 | New Era 81

There has been some confusion about which pyramids can be used for the Agnihotra
process, as there are some pyramids on the market which differ in size, shape and/or
material from the Agnihotra pyramids which we have been using for decades now.
As this Agnihotra copper pyramid is an essential element of Agnihotra, this is an
important subject. Let us look into it in more detail.

Buying an Agnihotra Pyramid–What You Should Know

-Ed. A copper pyramid of correct shape, size and material is essential for proper performance of Agnihotra. With today’s expansion of e-commerce, one can find many sources of copper pyramids online. However, not all of these vessels are suited for Agnihotra. The pyramid should have no handles attached. Super-shiny pyramids …