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Fivefold Path Parenting Program

Parenting in the Time of Coronavirus

Lisa Powers Madison, Virginia, U.S.A. Parenting has always held its challenges, but family life in the time of coronavirus brings its own unique issues. This is an unprecedented time in known history, when, practically overnight, life has changed drastically for people all over the world. Countless parents are in crisis …

Agnihotra and Coronavirus March/April 2020 Satsang | Volume 47 #7 | New Era 77

As we know, Agnihotra purifies the atmosphere. So this indicates that Agnihotra can also be a useful tool to combat coronavirus.
As this virus occurred only recently, we do not have much evidence yet and no scientific study on coronavirus.
Still, there is quite a lot of anecdotal evidence which makes it plausible that Agnihotra can help in different ways to overcome the coronavirus crisis.