Experiences with Homa Therapy
Dr. Lilibeth Villamizar
Piura, Peru, South America
Mr. Víctor Mariano, 93 years old, was not lucid or clear-minded; he did not listen well and he did not speak well. He was urinating in bed and could not sleep at night.
Three days ago, he came to my office and participated in Agnihotra. Now, he is sleeping well. He bathes by himself. He already speaks. He even says his full name and one can talk with him. His senility/dementia has decreased.
Today, he is attending Homa Therapy for the second time.
The doctors had prescribed him sleeping pills, but he was so unstable that he was given two pills but still, he could not sleep. When he participated in Agnihotra on Saturday, he fell asleep right on the spot. His daughter called and asked, “What did you do to my father? He is so well; now he can take care of himself, which he couldn’t do before.”
He is well now and does not take any pills anymore, but he does take the Agnihotra ash.
Anju Sembhoo
Creve Coeur
Mauritius Island
It has been 7 months since I started performing Agnihotra.
For someone who does not believe in rituals, it came as a surprise to myself that I was keen to perform it.
Performing Agnihotra has brought a discipline to my life and has helped me value each minute, each second of my life. Agnihotra time has become a special time where the family sits together and we chant some prayers together or listen to some knowledgeable talk or do some meditation. I have a daughter who is 17 and a son who is 14 years old. Previously we did not pray together regularly but now with Agnihotra practice, it has become a daily routine and the kids look forward to this time. Doing Agnihotra together brings inner peace. We are doing it selflessly so I cannot name any miracle happening around us but we know that grace is flowing and we are grateful. We feel that we are contributing for the improvement of the environment.
Agnihotra definitely has a positive effect in the environment and on people. Vegetables in the garden, fruit trees and flowers have blossomed like never before.
Things which were left undone for some time, are now being completed.
I was wondering whether I would be able to find time in the morning with managing kitchen and kids but with some planning, I never missed Agnihotra.
My sister, who stays in England, got inspired to do Agnihotra too. She ordered her kit and is in contact with people in the UK who have been performing Agnihotra for 30 years.
We are grateful that we have been initiated to Agnihotra and we are thankful to Mr. Nuckched for having this made possible for us in Mauritius.