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by Parvati Rosen-Bizberg and Barry Rathner Vikarma is one’s specific allotted task in life. It is like one’s higher purpose in life, one’s calling or mission to fulfill. When we realize what our Vikarma is, from that moment on it is essentially our duty to find ways to accomplish it. …

Agnihotra Equinox Event 2017 November/December Satsang 2017 | Volume 45 #5 | New Era 74

Some years ago we started a Global Sacred Fire Event during the Equinox period, and it was a great success. So many people around the world had joined and Agnihotra fires moved around the planet at sunrise and sunset. This year we repeated this wonderful experience, creating a grid of Sacred Fires all around the world, to help build a critical mass to elevate consciousness on planet Earth.