Summer Meeting at the Homa-Hof Heiligenberg
Birgitt Heigl
On July 2nd, 2022, after a break of 2 years, our Agnihotra summer meeting could take place again at Homa-Hof Heiligenberg in Germany. The motto was: For peace and unity.
Great harmony and peace could be felt throughout the day with almost 600 people who came from near and far, many also from Switzerland and Austria.
About 2/3 were Agnihotra newcomers and for them it was especially interesting to be present at the lectures and demonstrations starting at 2 pm:
- Homa farming
- Homa beekeeping
- ghee preparation
- cow dung drying
- exchange of experiences

Starting at 8 p.m. we gathered for the common Om Tryambakam Yajnya.* It was overwhelming and very unifying that hundreds practiced it together. The highlight then was the Agnihotra at sunset with a view of the red sun. Afterwards, everyone sat in silence for a long time –all enjoying the great peace. It was an unforgettable experience.

*NOTE–Many years ago Shree Vasant advised that one should not show Om Tryambakam Homa to newcomers. Some Homa Therapy teachers have found that new people became confused and thought Om Tryambakam Homa was Agnihotra. Sometimes people wanted to do Om Tryamabakam Homa instead of Agnihotra, which is incorrect. Agnihotra establishes the basic healing cycle; the other Homas we teach strengthen that cycle, so it is essential to practice Agnihotra regularly before doing the other Homas that we teach.
However, other Homa Therapy teachers who were unaware of this instruction experienced that by doing Om Tryambakam Homa at events and festivals, it created interest that could be followed up with Agnihotra.
Please be aware of the possible pitfalls of showing Om Tryambakam Homa to new people, and use your discretion in deciding whether or not to show this Homa to newcomers, depending upon the situation.–Ed