On Attractions Between People From Shree Vasant's Teachings
In life there are many normal attractions between people. Take, for example, physical attraction. If the mind is not clear and disciplined, then immediately it will respond to the attraction–and the body follows. The attraction may last a shorter time or a longer time, but what is behind it? One must have a little more control over the mind, not allowing it to go from one sense object to the next. In human affairs this can be costly to one’s own spiritual development and much more. The Divine has knowledge of what it is you need and one has to have stronger faith, intensify devotion, work hard on one’s own spiritual development and surrender. This is not a path for ascetics. It is a householders’ path. When two souls meet who are directly guided to come together, in marriage for example, it is not the same as physical attraction, sexual desire and fulfillment of such desires. In fact, when one is like a moth to a flame, going from one to the next in search of the light, one may miss the one whom he is truly to be with. So the lesson is not to give any energy to these desires; keep the mind affirming the holy and allow the Divine to arrange your life for you. Have more faith. One can work out Karma. One can rise much above the Karma through practice of Yajnya daily.