From the Orion Transmissions

received by Parvati Rosen-Bizberg
Wysoka, Poland

January 20, 2018 On Creating Resistance
Yes, yes, yes. The suffering of the world is extreme. We see the pained faces in the world.
We see all of your deep discontent. Yet it seems you are powerless to make a change, try
as you might.

The powers that render judgment and initiate such programs as to annihilate, inhibit and
annul human beings of all races, religions and creeds, are merciless in their vengeance.

However, dear ones, do not despair.
Stand firm in the face of affronts to human dignity, and aspire to champion a new
way of being in the world.

Create avenues to walk freely upon.
Support those less privileged or less fortunate than yourselves.
Love will find a way.

There are those in every time in life, every era, every age—who defy orders, who create
their own resistance to evil, who comfort those in greater need, who educate their children
to speak their truth and value humanity and genuine acts of kindness.

Unify in the face of all that stands to block you. Strengthen each other in these
times of extreme darkness in the world.

For within those whose hearts are in prayer, whose eyes are open to receive and
whose arms open to give—within each of you there is an eternal flame of LOVE, of

You must gather together in the names of your Fathers and in the names of your
Mothers, in the prayers of the Ancients, find recourse, find solace, find rejuvenation.
Through the avenue of pure prayer, deep meditation and sacred sound, music, laughter,
art, dance and mantra, more prayer—the seed shall flourish upon the sacred Earth.

And it shall be so that the land upon which you stand will return to its true nature and all
who walk upon it will be healed.
As it is so.
As it shall be so.


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