Healing with Homa Therapy

Jorge Cabrera Arca
Lima, Peru
South America
Pulmonary emphysema
In two months I will be 80 years old. As background information, I have been a heavy smoker for more than 30 years, I usually smoked 2 packets of cigarettes a day and on weekends and holidays, I smoked close to 3 packets.
I need to say that during those 30 years I also worked spraying agro-chemicals in the fields from a small plane. At first, this was done with the torso exposed to the air. Later, the cockpit was covered, and this was even more dangerous, because the fumes concentrated in the cabin. These gases are highly toxic. So I got a throat cancer and I had surgery 10 years ago.
Some years ago, I started to feel ill and could only walk for a short time, because my legs hurt. When I went for a walk with my wife I had to sit down after two blocks, even if it was on the sidewalk. I had to rest for a while before continuing and I could not climb stairs. I decided to go to the doctor, because the situation was very complex. Rolling over in bed produced such fatigue and I could not breathe. I had to remain still.
I saw a doctor, went through a series of tests, had X-rays taken and the diagnosis was that I had pulmonary emphysema, which I was told is an incurable and irreversible disease. The doctor said that I had to take remedies for life and that I could not stop taking them for anything. I took the prescribed medications for 2 years and spent at least 450 soles every month. ($1 USD = 2.7 soles)
Then I started doing Homa Therapy. Every day, evening and morning I did Agnihotra. Since I felt well, we decided to make a trip abroad after approximately six or eight months. One day during the trip, because I felt so good, I stopped taking the drugs. I simply stopped taking them and have not used them again. That was 18 months ago.
Now, I go to the gym every day and do weight lifting and I feel good. In the last review of oxygenation, the doctor said, “Jorge, you are better oxygenated than I am. I have a level of 95% and you got 98%.”
Since three months, I have not visited any doctor and I feel very well.