From the Orion Transmissions

July 10, 2017 On Unity Through Diversity
Yes, yes. Transmissions shall again resume. Indeed, as we view it, the world is a shattered stage upon which the play must continue. We see the human condition as warranting great change in order to overcome the adverse conditions upon this Earth caused in part by mighty corporations and by those who abide by them.

Creating, manifesting, supporting and nurturing alternatives are quite essential to living in harmony on this planet. If the beings of this planet would refuse to be divided by race, religion, cultural background, financial status or creed, these barriers would come down.

To cite and recite all past and current injustices somehow mistakenly relieves one of the responsibility to work tirelessly to change them. Is it enough to voice your comments on social media? Is it really sufficient to, “Tsk, tsk. So unjust,” then turn to the next page of the Sunday Times?

Educating others is one step toward creating a better, more tolerant, compassionate world. To preach to others whose views are already similar to your own is like living-room banter, unless it reaches outside one’s comfort zone and touches the hearts of those less tolerant, less aware than yourselves.

Use your abilities to reach those outside your circle of comrades in arms. Gather together amongst yourselves of the same path of spirit to uplift and support each other. Then, expand your view and your reach to envelop the world.

The seeds for global change lie within each of you. Let not a day go by where you have not spoken TRUTH, where you have not stood in understanding and compassion for all.

Refuse to be DIVIDED.
Remember your WORTH.
And all are children of Almighty.

Seek UNITY through diversity.
And let your voices call out loud.

Let there be peace on Earth
and let it begin with YOU.

July 15, 2017 On Environment, Inner and Outer
Yes, yes. Whilst defending the environment from the onslaught of industrialists and anti-
environmentalists, remember to clear your own inner environment.

Reduce your anger, quell your fears. Go within to seek direction in all matters—be they
ecological action, interpersonal communication, physical rejuvenation, or spiritual

Go within.

Therein lies all the strength you will need in these tumultuous times. This will give you the power and courage fueled by faith and clarity to continue in the world as a Light bringer, a carrier of the Light, a force for change.

In order to be fully effective as a pioneer in this world, an advocate for humans, plants and
animals’ rights, and a beacon of Light for the younger generation who are in dire need of
enlightened leadership—remember to always return to that inner spring of Wisdom Within.

Meditate daily and regularly.
Pray as you will.
Listen in silence.
Then, armed with Truth as your shield and your sword, walk in Light.

In this world, this is the only way to maintain your power. By aligning yourselves with the
Highest, you will remain above the fray, and your voices will be clear and will be heard.

Despite all the darkness of today’s world, hold on to the Light.
Keep Faith as you breathe and breathe deeply.

You are not alone. All that radiates love and healing energies throughout time, throughout this universe, pulsates with you who continue to believe and remain resolute.

Then, defend Nature.
Protect your environment and do so 100,000 times strong.

If you listen, you can hear the many voices calling in unison with you.
There is more than meets the eye, beloved ones.

We are all One
and we are mighty.

July 15, 2017 On the Unstoppable Force of Light
Yes, yes. The force of Light is unstoppable. It appears the darkness is winning. It is not so. It is
not what it seems. We know there is much destruction already perpetuated upon the Earth. That the negative forces are stirring up trouble—yes, it is certain.

However, the power to change it is in the hands of those who are working diligently for the Light.

Those of you who have risen in defense of Nature have been heard. However, the ‘powers that be’ prefer all be blanketed in darkness.

Do not fall prey to the fear-fueled media, which for the most part is controlled by the same

Listen to the silence, the drumming of ancestors, the calling of the Holy Spirit as it rises within
you like a lion from deep slumber.

Every avenue that ‘appears’ to be blocked is accessible to you who walk in Faith, not fear.

There is power beneath your feet.
There is power above, as below.
There are forces unknown to human beings which are aligned to protect and support those who are on the Earth.

Know this.
Take comfort in it.
That which shall be, shall be.
Blessings abound.

We are ONE.

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