Healing with Homa Therapy

Yang Li Chang
Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America

I am 24 years old. About 10 years ago, I learned about Homa Therapy through a friend of my mother’s, who brought me to Dr. Jaime Montufar’s office. I began to investigate what Homa Therapy is. He taught me and showed me the benefits of this Homa Therapy and other alternatives.

Then, I came to Dr. Montufar’s farm where I helped for 2 years, using Homa agricultural techniques, all organic with the Homa method. To see the effect on the doctor’s farm was quite shocking to me. For example, the plantains are larger, the guavas are sweetest, etc.

During this time, I also helped him at the Medical Homa Center El Buen Pastor [The Good Shepherd–Ed.].

What they teach us in school with conventional medicine is that certain diseases have to be treated with certain medications, injections, etc. What I saw with Homa Therapy completely changed my paradigms. Working with Homa alongside the doctor with patients suffering from cancer, leukemia, diabetes, etc. and seeing great results without the need for conventional drugs, changed my beliefs and opened the door to the great surprises of a blissful life.

For me, everything has changed–the doors are open, the possibilities for other alternatives have been opened. Now I am on another plane, another consciousness, another level. I am very grateful for all the teachings received through Dr .Jaime Montufar.

Delia Morillo Lozano
Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America

I am 42 years old. I got to know Homa Therapy through Naturopath Viviana Esteves from the OM VIDA Holistic Therapy Center, which she runs with her husband, Naturopath Mario Andrés Angulo.

Before doing Agnihotra, my life was in chaos. Mrs. Viviana was guiding me on how to practice Agnihotra at home. I was a person with financial problems, which have been improving little by little, as well as the problems in my house with my mother-in-law and with the father of my children.

I was an angry and bitter person. I had no strength to continue fighting for my dreams, nor for the dreams of my children to have a better life. The fires of Homa Therapy give me strength and energy. Now, I feel peace and calm.

Sometimes it was difficult for me to get up so early, because I sleep late. Now, I am on my feet at 5.30 A.M. every day to do my Agnihotra. I know that at some point I will also teach this technique to my family members. They can experience and see the miracles that are happening through the Homa healing fires, which fill us with energy, optimism, wisdom and health. and the rest comes as an addition.

But the miracle that I wanted so much and that has come true, and that I asked for with so much faith, was that my son could join an important educational company, which is hard to enter. Thanks to the Divine Will and the Homa Fires, my son was accepted into that school and they have already started their classes; at the same time they provide work. I keep thinking of my son in front of the Homa fire, so that everything will go well for him and that he might get excellent grades.

This opportunity to learn Homa Therapy has been very helpful for the whole family. It has lowered the conflicts with the relatives and I personally continue to learn and assimilate lessons.

Another testimony is that my mother had a vaginal infection and by taking the Agnihotra ash with water and washing herself with this ash water, her itching had disappeared.

My children I also drink the water with the Agnihotra ash. One of my sons has allergies, but they have decreased a lot.

I am very appreciative of Naturopath Viviana for her advice and her guidance. I continue to practice the Homa fires daily and the peace and tranquility expand more and more. I have had only 8 months with Homa Therapy, but many things have changed so much for the better in this time.