Healing with Homa Therapy

Elizabeth Mena
Madrid, Spain
I want to tell you about my experience with the coronavirus. Here in Madrid, the situation is quite severe. Many are infected and my roommate also got infected. My boyfriend and I spent more than a week living with him (not knowing he was infected). We didn’t hug, but we did eat at the same table and we were using the same things. He did the test and we waited 5 or 6 days to do the test. That’s what they say–you have to wait for the analysis to be correct.

Well, everyone told us that we would also be infected because it is a super-contagious virus. And the truth is that my boyfriend and I turned out to be negative.

And the truth is that the doctors could not explain this.

And I suppose this was also due to a very strong immune system, for we have an anti-inflammatory diet, and especially, I think, due to the protection of Agnihotra.

So, I am sending this message of hope to all the Agnihotris – that “We are Protected.”
Om Shree!

Daniela, with Dr. Jorge Torres in the background.

Daniela Carolina Calderón
EsSalud Paul Nogier Primary Care Center
Complementary Medicine Service
Carabayllo, North Lima, Peru, South America
I’m 14. I came to Dr. Torres due to some problems I had at school. There I was referred to a psychologist. I was in 3 or 4 therapies with him, when the doctor invited us to Homa Therapy, because that was going to help us. So, with my mom we started to come.

I was too shy to speak in front of people. I’m not the one who likes to do presentations and science exhibitions in front of the classroom or at school. I was super quiet in the classroom. I screamed a lot and got mad very quickly. I am emotionally too sensitive. For two years, I had been crying a lot about anything. Anything made me explode.

After I started drinking the water with Agnihotra ash, I was able to talk to more people. I can deal with more people and I improved in my studies a lot. My grades started to go up, from 12 to 15 on an average. And I started to focus a little better and to memorize better.

Before, I did not communicate with my family. I only spoke with my friends. Now I talk more with my mom, with my cousin. I can express myself better because I have more confidence and I feel more secure.

Her mother, Mercedes Calderon, confirms:
My daughter is more communicative, more confident, and her mood has changed. Before, she was sad and had sudden mood changes. Now, she is happier. She is calmer. She is at ease, and she is more responsible.