Mind–Instrument of Bondage, or Instrument of Liberation From Shree Vasant's Teachings
Man amasses all material wealth by all possible means, wise or otherwise. He can thus become a candidate for the enjoyment of all this wealth.
However, one thing is certain. Unless he voluntarily renounces all this and unless all the desire for material enjoyment dries up, he can never be happy.
The practice of Fivefold Path will teach man how to be in this world but not of this world. Agnihotra is the biggest material aid to bring about this transformation of the mind.
“Be thou transformed by the renewal of the mind.”–Romans 12:2 King James Version Bible
One may live in a palace or one may live in a humble hut. It does not matter. What does matter is how far your mind is attached to that palace or how much your mind is hankering after unfulfilled desires living in the hut.
Get rid of the hankerings and attachments and you are free.
Then it is only, “Thy will be done.”