Healing with Homa Therapy

Eulogio Gomez de la Torre
Lima, Peru, South America
I suffered from diabetes since the age of 50. Now I am 54 years old. I weighed 90 kilos. I was overweight, suffered from hypertension, etc.
I was taking four drugs given by EsSalud (State Insurance Hospital of Peru). They were anti-hypertensive and anti-diabetic. I stopped taking them voluntarily. I did the Homa Fires and lost 20 kilos.
Now my weight is 70 kg. I do not have any more problems of any kind with my weight or diabetes.
My wife had a problem of neuralgia in the shoulder with a tear and at the same time suffered from bursitis. We did therapies in clinics for six months, but she did not get cured. After we started with the practice of the Agnihotra fire, in three weeks she improved significantly. Now she is completely well. She drives the motor bike and works normally.
I have also seen in the Hospital Reategui of Piura, in the area of Complementary Medicine where the Homa practice is done, many cases of stroke–for example, a gentleman of 70 years who came semi-paralyzed and could not speak. He began to participate daily in Homa Therapy. In the beginning, he came in a wheelchair, then he came walking slowly. Now, after six weeks, he comes every day, walking normally to the hospital to do the Homa. He walks alone, even on the street. He has a little difficulty with speaking, but his language has notably improved. I have seen countless cases in the hospital of Piura and other places.

Víctor Castillo Gutiérrez
Hospital Reategui, Piura, Peru, South America
I am 71 years of age. I came to Homa Therapy through psychologist Dr. Marisol. I came due to depression and insomnia. The neurologist prescribed me medicines to sleep, but as time passed (this happened a year ago), they were no longer giving any results. I woke up at night and could no more find sleep.
Now I have 35 days with Homa Therapy and I feel a lot of relief. I feel calmer and I can sleep better, which previously I could not. I am taking Agnihotra ash three times a day and on the recommendation of Dr. Marisol I am leaving the other medication gradually.