From Shree Vasant’s Teachings On Negative Energies
There are so many unseen forces at work. Really, there is much mischief in the world. These places of Homa become like refuges in the storm–not because of actual storm, but bombardment of these negative energies which are invading the planet now. We have never before spoken about these negative energies. We need not focus on them, but it is now time to INTENSIFY the Sadhana (spiritual practice). That is, put more effort, more energy into what is your life’s work NOW. Of course, you can concentrate on economic matters and become more self-sufficient in the process. However, aside from that consideration, INTENSIFY YOUR SADHANA. BECOME A SPECIALIST IN THE FIELD IN WHICH YOU ARE ABLE TO PROVIDE SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE. If it is children, specialize. If it is gardening, develop teaching methods to help others, not just techniques to use on your own farms. MAKE LIFE ALL SERVICE NOW.